Your Mines in Kabul

Your Mines In Kabul
Box set by Muslimgauze
Released 2000 September
Label Staalplaat MUSLIMLIM 026

Your Mines In Kabul is a triple-CD album by Muslimgauze. Part of the subscription series. Numbered limited edition of 700 copies. Comes in a clear jewel case, printed on front and back, with a special gatefold insert with a foam button to hold CD1.


Track listing

CD 1: "Mine 1"

  1. "Tangier - Zeen" - 6:56
  2. "Izlamabad Carpet Boy" - 7:42
  3. "Ravi And Kaldesh Mukherjee" - 5:42
  4. "Gujarati Translator" - 5:11
  5. "Translator Of Gujarati" - 4:11
  6. "Papier-Mache Efiji Of Bishan Bedi" - 5:31
  7. "Gurdev Singh, Bizarre Guru Of The Body" - 5:18
  8. "Why Does She Not Shower Me With Rupees" - 8:22
  9. "Bakarkhani" - 0:53
  10. "The Last Tamil Tiger Skinned" - 3:37
  11. "Namiki An Wadda" - 6:20

CD 2: "Mine 2"

  1. "Burnt Bungalows Of Siml" - 8:32
  2. "Lucknow, See Your Error" - 4:02
  3. "Karakorum Visa Office" - 4:59
  4. "Gutted Snapper" - 1:49
  5. "Tongue Tied In Sind" - 2:56
  6. "Ascend Babel In Oanj" - 4:20
  7. "Subultan" - 7:54
  8. "Dishdasha" - 0:23
  9. "Nawab Fanatic" - 7:47
  10. "Jamiat Zirt" - 5:27
  11. "Bismillah " - 1:07

CD 3: "Mine 3"

  1. "Lahore (Extended Version - Speed Up)" - 31:45